
June 12nd, 2024

On May 30th, as part of the 145 years celebrations, our group organized a round table with four retired teachers: Alicia Barrios, who worked from 1964 to 1999; Ingrid Coulthard, who worked from 1976 to 1985; Enrique Morrone, who worked from 1987 to 2018 and Milto de Castro, who worked from 1992 to 2022.

We had the opportunity to interact with them and we could ask them several questions.

How were their answers similar?

  • Their favourite football team is Nacional.
  • They all taught English.
  • They believe the best thing about being a teacher is the connection with students and that you not only teach but also learn from them.
  • They have fantastic memories about the time when they worked at Crandon.
  • They all remember their colleagues with love and affection.
  • What made a good day at school was that their students had fun  at the same time they learned.

How were their answers different?

  • Alicia worked at  primary school, as an English and Spanish teacher. Ingrid taught English at primary school, secondary school and Junior College. Milto worked for a short time in primary school and for many years at secondary school as a teacher and a secretary of the English Section. Enrique worked for a short time in primary and for many years at secondary school as an English teacher and at Sex Education workshops.
  • Alicia is the only one who is not working at present. Ingrid works with her husband in a family business, Milto is a tour guide and Enrique is the principal of another bilingual school.


Students: Bruno Cieslinskas Patoka, Francisco Cuñetti Charbonnier, Facundo Rosas Gutiérrez and Juan Manuel Viana Pazos.

Teachers: Martín Laco Campelo and Rossana Longo Presutti.

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Bilingual EducationEducación Básica IntegradaEducación bilingüeEnglishInglésSecundaria